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Read more 想突破? 梗係要由自己開始… 但點樣開始? 有一個卓越發展平台當然重要,但亦需要有一個優秀嘅團隊先可以走得遠 善用數碼科技,提供保障比您嘅客戶 發掘身邊不同背景嘅人才 我哋依家誠邀大學生或其他行業專才加入友邦精英學院,成為精英領袖, 開拓您嘅事業新機遇 想突破? 梗係要由自己開始, 立即把握機會,成為友邦精英學院嘅一分子, Click 入 遞交入職申請表!

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Why insurance ? Why AIA ? AIA Premier Academy

Read more AIA Premier Academy 友邦精英學院,友邦精英領䄂

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Why insurance ? Why AIA ? Solomon (Law Student)

Read more 入職前工作是Law Student

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Why insurance ? Why AIA ? Nathan (Teacher)

Read more 入職前工作是 Teacher

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Why insurance ? Why AIA ? joyce (Marketing)

Read more 入職前工作是 Senior Marketing Executive at Mega Department Store

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Why insurance ? Why AIA ? Winson (Financial PR)

Read more 入職前工作是 Financial PR

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Why insurance ? Why AIA ? Ginette (核數師)

Read more 入職前工作是在 國際CPA公司裡的核數師

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Why insurance ? Why AIA ? Eddy (IT)

Read more 入職前工作是做 IT系统管理

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Why insurance ? Why AIA ? Venus (Banker)

Read more 入職前工作是 Banker - Relationship Manager

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Why insurance ? Why AIA ? Baldwin (Hotel)

Read more 入職前工作是 Hotel Front Desk Manager

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Why insurance ? Why AIA ? Joanie (Nursing)

Read more Joanie 加入AIA財務策論前是從事醫護屆,以人下是她的轉行後的感受。

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Why insurance ? Why AIA ? Shawn (Nursing)

Read more 入職前是 Nursing Student

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Why insurance ? Why AIA ? CoCo (Beauty Consultant)

Read more 入職前工作是 Beauty Consultant

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Why insurance ? Why AIA ? Ricky Lau (Banker)

Read more 入職前工作是 Banker - Personal Financial Manager

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Internship - Angela Lee

Read more Why join Insurance Industrial ? Why join AIA ? Why join our District ? 2018 10 29 at 12 41 47 PM

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IANG Joyce Zhou

Read more Why join Insurance Industrial ? Why join AIA ? Why join our District ? 2018 11 22 at 1 08 43 PM

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Bank Lydia Tong

Read more Why join Insurance Industrial ? Why join AIA ? Why join our District ? 2018 10 02 at 2 37 05 PM

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